White ribbon campaign
It is estimated 1.6 million women experience domestic abuse every year in the UK. Around 618,000 involved women that were victims of sexual assault. 892,000 women experienced stalking. (ONS)
91% of children in families where domestic abuse is happening were exposed to abuse. 44% of children in these families were also directly abused. (Safelives)
In Hull, Humberside Police respond to around 900 calls every month due to domestic abuse.
Between April 2020 and March 2021 Hull DAP, Domestic Abuse Partnership Support Service supported 2492 women and their children.
How to show your support
In February 2015 the city applied for and gained White Ribbon City status. This was to support us in raising awareness and tackling domestic abuse in the local area.
Since this time partners agencies from across the city have worked together to raise awareness of abuse to women and girls through white ribbon campaign activities.
Monday 25 November 2024 is White Ribbon Day. It is also International day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and Girls. It starts 16 days of activism through to Tuesday10 December which is Human Rights Day.
We ask that you join us to raise awareness of violence against women and girls by giving just 5 minutes of your time to complete this survey (link opens in a new window), please support us to effect change locally.
You can find out more about White Ribbon through the White Ribbon website.
We encourage all to sign the white ribbon pledge.
How to become an ambassador
A number of male white ribbon ambassadors have been recruited. The aim is to raise awareness to as many people as possible through their workplaces and local communities.
If you would like to become an ambassador or nominate someone else to get involved, you can email us on strengthtochange@hullcc.gov.uk
Here you will find a list of useful information to help.