
Using your compost

Before starting, you probably want to find out if it’s ready to go. You can do this by making sure your compost is dark brown and smells nice and earthy. It should also be slightly moist and have a crumbly texture.

It probably won't look like the compost you buy in the shops and it's very likely that yours still has twigs and eggshell in it.

Don't worry, it's still perfectly good to use. Simply sift out any larger bits and return them to your compost bin.

Your fresh compost -

  • is nutrient rich food for your garden
  • helps improve soil structure
  • maintains moisture levels
  • keeps your soils pH balance in check while helping suppress plant disease

It has everything your plants need, including -

  • nitrogen
  • phosphorous
  • potassium
  • helps improve soils that are very acidic or alkaline

Compost improves your soil's condition, and your plants and flowers love it.