Love your street

Get involved

If you would like to organise a community clear-up event where you live, the Love Your Street team can loan -

  • adult and child sized litter pickers
  • hi-viz vests
  • graffiti removal kits
  • chewing gum removal kits
  • litter collection sacks
  • gloves

We can also collect litter at the end of the event.

More information on community litter picking is available in our litter picking leaflet.

Complete the form below if you wish to request litter picking equipment.

Apply for litter picking equipment (opens in new window)

You can also contact us via social media -

  • Facebook @LoveYourStreetHull
  • X @LoveYourStHull

Collected waste

Report #lovehullhatelitter bags of community litter picking waste using the online form above. Or email