We are continuing frontage improvements for private homes in some prioritised areas. These frontage improvement schemes are part of our Priority Streets programme which identifies areas of the city most in need of housing regeneration works. Among the indicators considered are overall appearance of the street, number of empty homes, private housing conditions and untidy land.
You can find out more about our other programmes.
Frontage Improvements
Rosmead Street
In 2023 in partnership with Living With Water we completed the first project of a Blue Green vision for the city which aims to increase flood resilience by better management of surface water during periods of heavy rain.
Following on from this scheme property owners were invited to receive regenerative works to the fronts of their homes. Alongside Geo Houlton, a Hull based building contractor, this frontage improvements scheme has been completed to an exceptionally high standard, providing both environmental and aesthetic improvements to over 330 homes and the area.
The works offered to property fronts within the scheme included -
- new boundaries
- garden improvements
- rainwater goods
- minor repairs
- redecoration
- communal footpaths to the court terraces on Rosmead Street
Geo Houlton have also added social value to the scheme installing two new park benches and a disabled access picnic table to the local play area within Rosmead Street park.
De Grey Street
Work is now in progress to design and commission our next frontage regeneration scheme on De Grey Street in west Hull.
The works being planned to the street and its associated court terraces include -
- new boundaries and garden treatment
- new rainwater goods
- redecoration
- communal footpaths to court terraces
For queries relating to frontage improvement work email - EEandRegen@hullcc.gov.uk
Find out about energy improvement and thermal efficiency on the Warm Homes Team website.
For information on loans that may help you make repairs or improvements to your property please see home appreciation loan and equity and the Homecheque scheme.