Bridges and structures

The Bridges and Highway Structures team are responsible for making sure structures in Hull are safe to use and fit for purpose.

The river Hull has been bridged, in one form or another, for over 500 years. It enables the city of Hull to grow and develop on both east and west sides of the river. Today the city is one entity with travel over the river being largely taken for granted. Hull’s bridges are fundamental to this because they form the essential links in the road network.

We make sure bridges are safe for you to use and we also take care of other highway structures like -

  • footbridges
  • swing bridges
  • lift bridges
  • culverts
  • subways and underpasses
  • basements under the highway
  • retaining walls
  • tall lighting columns greater than 20 metres
  • cantilever masts for signals and cameras
  • service tunnels under the river Hull
  • parapets and handrails

Report a problem with a bridge or highway structure

We inspect bridges on a 2 yearly cycle, so there may be occasions when you see damage before we do. 

If you think a highway structure is dangerous, damaged or in a poor condition, report the problem to us -

Or you can fill in the form. Give as much information as possible.

We will need to know -

  • the bridge or highway structure name if known
  • the location and obstacle crossed
  • the road or street name, or nearby landmark
  • the nature and description of the problem

Bridges and structures (opens in a new window)

Once you have reported the problem to us, we will assess its importance. We will respond appropriately.

For potentially serious incidents or damage to a highway structure

Network Rail maintains the majority of the bridges which carry or cross the railway. In the event of a bridge strike, also known as an impact by vehicle, or significant damage to these structures, Network Rail must be informed immediately. Call 01904 525 895.

Network rail will need the information that is stated on each individual structure’s name plate. This can be found on the bridge parapet or the abutment. They will also need the date and time of the incident.

If the incident is current, the Police should be contacted using 999.

New highway bridges and structures

All development plans for new public bridges, retaining walls and structures should be submitted to us for technical approval. We will be able to advise you. Together we will make sure the structure you wish to build is safe for use and fit for purpose.

Abnormal loads

If you are moving a vehicle or load that exceeds standard dimensions, notify the police and highway and bridge authorities beforehand. You can do this by sending us a fax on 01482 612 424 using the ESDAL (Electronic Service Delivery for Abnormal Loads) system. 

If you need to generally discuss a proposed abnormal load route, are concerned about a low bridge, or want to know the carrying capacity of a bridge, contact us by - 

Post - 

Bridges, Structures and Waterways
Hull City Council
2nd Floor
Festival House
93 Jameson Street

Call - 01482 300 300
Email -