High hedges

We have powers to deal with high hedges. The planning enforcement section are responsible for dealing with complaints under part 8 of the Anti-social Behaviour Act 2003.

A high hedge is a line of 2 or more evergreen or semi evergreen trees or shrubs which are over 2 metres in height. Note that any hedges or trees overhanging or obstructing the public footpath or highway should be reported to Network Management. Do this through the call centre on 01482 300 300. Individual trees or shrubs and groups of trees do not fall within council powers.


  • there is no requirement for all hedges to be reduced to a height of 2 metres
  • permission is not required for hedges to be grown above 2 metres
  • if you make a complaint your neighbour does not automatically have to reduce the height of the hedge. Complaints will be dealt with by considering all the available information
  • deciduous trees are not subject to this legislation
  • hedges cannot be removed entirely
  • uninterrupted light is not guaranteed under the provisions of the legislation
  • any damage to roots is a civil matter and is not dealt with by us

Access GOV.UK for further guidance on complaining to the council about high hedges.

How to make a complaint

Complete the complaint form and return to -

Planning Services
2nd Floor
The Guildhall
Alfred Gelder Street

Or email dev.control@hullcc.gov.uk

The fee required in respect of investigating such a complaint is £250 or £50 if you are receiving benefits.