Adult social care assessment eligibility of need

Carer's eligibility

When assessing if a carer is eligible for support to maintain their caring role, we must consider the following -

  • whether the carer is unable to carry out one or more necessary caring tasks without help
  • if the carer can carry out the tasks but doing so causes them or the person they care for significant pain, distress or anxiety. Or it endangers their health and safety or that of the cared for person
  • whether the carer can achieve the outcome without assistance but doing so is likely to endanger the health or safety of the carer. Or it would endanger any adults or children for whom the carer provides care

This means that the carer cannot -

  • carry out some or all of their basic household activities
  • carry out their caring responsibilities for a child
  • provide care to other people for whom they provide care
  • maintain family or other significant personal relationship
  • maintain their home environment
  • manage and maintain nutrition for them and their family
  • engage in work, training, education or volunteering
  • make use of necessary facilities or services in the community
  • engage in recreational activities

Once the assessment has been completed, we will review the information. We will evaluate it against the eligibility threshold.

You will be notified and given a copy of the decision made on whether you are eligible for care and support.