Safer Hull

Personal safety and crime prevention at home

We all want to feel safe and secure, especially in and around our own homes. Whether we live alone or with a partner, friends, or family, keeping safe is something we can all prioritise but sometimes take for granted.

Many homes are left unsecured with doors and windows left open or unlocked. This is sadly easy access for an opportunist thief. Here are just a few handy crime prevention tips -

  • make sure your doors and windows are closed and locked when you are not in the room. Nearly half of all burglaries are down to a door or window being open
  • make sure nothing of value, including your car key, is left on show to tempt thieves into your property
  • think about fitting a burglar alarm and security lighting – both to your home and outbuildings. It may be expensive, but they are very effective deterrents. They can bring down your insurance costs

From a personal safety perspective, here are some safety tips from Humberside Fire and Rescue Service on ways you can make your home safer -

  • fit smoke alarms and test them regularly
  • never leave cooking unattended
  • plan and practice your escape route
  • switch off appliances before going to bed – including your cooker
  • close all internal doors to prevent a fire from spreading
  • share your safety plans with family and friends and look out for the elderly

For more information and advice on keeping safe at home use the links below -

Personal safety online

As the internet becomes an increasingly intrinsic part of everyday life, online safety and security is more important than ever. Humberside Police have created many articles and short videos that feature key advice for staying safe online.

You can find out more about online threats and how to protect against them using the links below -