In this section
Exceptional circumstances
If refused for free travel assistance, a parent or carer has the right to appeal the decision. An appeal can be made by email to or by post -
Home to School Transport
Festival House
98 Jameson Street
Some children may have an exceptional circumstance which entitles them to free home to school transport. Such as -
- medical. Children with a medical condition who are fit to attend school but are unable to do so. This could be because they are unable to walk or are unable to travel by their normal means of transport
- special circumstances. This can be in cases of children whose education may be severely disrupted. It might be because of -
- the effect of being taken into our care
- living on a temporary travellers site
- their home life being severely disrupted
An initial application for Free School Travel must be submitted before an Exceptional Circumstances form for us. This is so we can assess eligibility under the provisions set out in our policies.
Submit your exceptional circumstances (opens in new window)
Appeal against an exceptional circumstances decision
You have the right to appeal if a school travel exceptional circumstances form is rejected. This is where it has been submitted and assessed against the eligibility criteria.
To appeal, the parent or carer should submit a stage one letter of appeal within 20 working days. It needs to have supporting evidence, where applicable, outlining the ground for appeal. The appeal should be based on -
- entitlement
- distance measurement
- route safety
- consideration of exceptional circumstances
A senior officer reviews the decision. They will respond to the parent or carer within 20 working days of receipt of the appeal. If the appeal is rejected at this stage, a response is given. It will have an explanation for the reasons for the rejection.
If the applicant remains unsatisfied, there can be a stage 2 appeal to an independent panel. It will determine whether support can be provided. The appeal must be submitted with 20 working days of receipt of the stage one rejection letter.
Your appeal should be submitted via -
Email -
Post -
Home to School Transport
Festival House
98 Jameson Street