Our Corporate Plan sets out our overall -
- vision
- priorities
- values
The Corporate Plan has 3 main themes -
- economic growth that works for all
- building communities that are -
- inclusive
- resilient
- safe
- organisational excellence by working in partnership
The plan guides what we do as an organisation and how we will go about working towards securing a positive and sustainable future for the city. It focuses on major issues that require specific attention rather than listing every activity that we undertake. It also helps us target limited resources. It provides a framework against which we can assess our progress.
In delivering the Corporate Plan, we will work with people and organisations to tackle inequality with a key focus on -
- providing reliable services
- building resilient and connected communities
- supporting employment and decent jobs
- protecting the public especially vulnerable people
- reducing our impact on the environment
- adapting to climate change
- the health and wellbeing of the population