Equality and diversity

Equality objectives

The council's equality objectives are linked to the ever evolving City Plan. It was first launched in the summer of 2013.

We are committed to mainstreaming equalities through all aspects of The City Plan. Its 3 themes are -

  • UK Energy City
  • Destination Hull
  • community and opportunity

These cover all aspects of what makes Hull a place where people want to -

  • live
  • work
  • play
  • study
  • do business

a city where those in the greatest need are valued and supported.

Equality and diversity is important to us. We value the diversity of all Hull people and the richness that this gives our city. In these City Plan themes, we will continue to try our best to recognise inequality. We want to promote equality and opportunity through everything we do.

We aim to -

  • ensure that training is available to all members of our staff. This is so that they can -
    • understand equality and diversity
    • recognise injustice and equality
    • understand how they can influence equality of opportunity for all our community
  • increase the participation of under-represented groups in community and civic life
  • improve the voice and influence of local communities and ‘hard to reach’ groups

UK energy city

Through the development of Hull as a UK energy city, there will be an increase in jobs and opportunities. We need to ensure that no one is left behind.

We aim to -

  • give our residents the best start. We want them to have the opportunity to achieve their potential
  • improve and narrow the differentials in pupil attainment. This includes improving the educational outcomes for disabled children.
  • give children and young people the best start. Everyone deserves the opportunity to achieve their potential
  • increase the proportion of disabled people in work
  • make sure that new housing is designed and built to be accessible and adaptable. It needs to be future proof for the changing needs of all our residents
  • keep improve tenant satisfaction with housing

Destination Hull

Hull is on its way to being a world class visitor centre. This is after Hull's year as UK City of Culture 2017, the investments already made, and those committed to the city for years to come.

We aim to ensure that -

  • these commitments involve all members of our community
  • anyone who wants to take part can take part
  • the infrastructure of the city, its facilities, buildings and the spaces between them are inclusive and safe. They need to be held to the highest possible standards
  • the process, from idea, through design, commissioning, procurement to completion of new projects designed to make Hull a world class visitor centre. We want to put the person, inclusion and usability first
  • those who use the city have their say. This is through appropriate levels of consultation. It is on the inclusivity of their city, and the effects on their equality of opportunity and participation in the life of the city
  • we stage, support and positively promote diverse events in the city

Community and opportunity

Hull aims to be a place of opportunity for all. With strong, resilient communities we can safeguard the most vulnerable. Prevention and early intervention can make money go further.

We aim to -

  • ensure our communities are safe
  • increase the accuracy of reporting. This is to reduce the incidence of hate crime and domestic violence
  • reduce community tension, bullying and harassment in schools
  • reduce anti-social behaviour
  • improve the physical environment to promote strong, safe community
  • promote good community relations, recognising the diversity of the community as a strength
  • ensure people have access to health information and facilities
  • narrow the gap in health inequalities
  • support the vulnerable and those most in need to live independently
  • achieve greater independence for older and disabled people

For more information email us at corporate.equalities@hullcc.gov.uk