The Port of Hull Local Development Order (LDO) was created to attract renewable energy associated businesses to the Humber Enterprise Zone areas in the Port of Hull. Enterprise zone status continues to assist in the creation of thousands of new jobs in the city and surroundings. One of the key benefits for businesses in the enterprise zone is the introduction of simplified and flexible planning arrangements.
The LDO applies to sites at -
- Alexandra Dock
- Queen Elizabeth Dock
The LDO simplifies planning arrangements by granting outline planning permission for development associated with renewable and low carbon industries, such as the offshore wind energy sector. Developers are still required to submit planning applications for details of -
- appearance
- landscaping
- layout
- scale
The outline permission is also subject to conditions. The LDO makes sure that development that is permitted does not have unacceptable negative impacts on -
- neighbours
- the environment
- the wider area
The LDO gives developers certainty that the streamlined approach reduces both development costs and time and enables site construction to start quickly on the 3 Hull enterprise zone sites. We adopted the original order in May 2012. The order has been reviewed and revised following a period of consultation with the revised version adopted and submitted to the Secretary of State in May 2017.
Before you start
You can access the LDO and its supporting documents online if you -
- agree to the conditions
- enter 17/00173/LDO in the search field and select the search button
- select the documents tab from the application summary page when the LDO appears. A list of documents appear including the adopted LDO with its supporting documents