Hull's Local Flood Risk Management Strategy 2022 to 2028

In England, 5.2 million homes are at risk of flooding. In 2020, the Environment Agency published a strategy. This is the National Flood and Coastal Erosion Risk Management Strategy.

The strategy sets out a vision of a nation ready for, and resilient to, flooding and coastal change. It sets it out for today, tomorrow and to the year 2100.

We are the Lead Local Flood Authority. We are the authority for managing local flood risk under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010. We are required to -

  • produce
  • maintain
  • apply
  • monitor

a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFRMS). The LFRMS defines the current flood risk in Hull. It also defines how we plan to manage it up to 2028 and beyond through a number of aims and objectives. The updated LFRMS was produced in consultation with partners. A public consultation was held as well for the updated LFRMS.

Hull’s LFRMS is a legal document. It sets out how we will work in partnership to reduce the risk of flooding. It shows the impacts flooding can have in the short and long term to -

  • homes
  • businesses
  • communities

in Hull.

Hull has the highest number of homes at risk of flooding outside of London. It is at risk from 6 main sources of flooding -

  • surface water flooding 
  • river flooding
  • tidal flooding
  • groundwater flooding
  • reservoir flooding
  • sewer flooding

Flood risks across Hull are expected to increase over the coming years. This is mainly due to climate change. UK Climate projections (UKCP18) warn to expect more frequent and more intense rainfall events. The Living with Water partnership was formed to provide a multi-agency holistic approach to flood risk management in Hull and East Yorkshire. The updated LFRMS highlights the importance and success of the partnership so far. It has ambitious plans for the future.

The LFRMS is supported by 10 appendices which contain technical information. Links to view and download the PDF documents below -

If you would like to discuss the strategy, you can submit an enquiry through the below form -

Flood risk enquiry