The planning team prepares local planning documents for the city and works collaboratively on joint planning with East Riding of Yorkshire Council.
A new Local Plan for Hull
We are creating a new plan that will guide how the city develops and changes over at least the next 15 years up to 2040.
The plan will address the changing needs for new homes and jobs and the services and infrastructure to support them. The Plan will also need to consider how to protect and enhance the built and natural environment and contribute towards the creation of attractive places where people can live healthy, active lives. Investment in infrastructure will help to unlock the city’s potential, enabling residents to enjoy a high quality of life in line with our declaration of climate and ecological emergencies.
We have set out the challenges and priorities that the new plan will face and potential opportunities that the plan can help deliver. We are seeking views on this through our engagement website.
The engagement period is open until 28 April 2025.
Adopted Hull Local Plan
On Thursday 23 November 2017 we adopted the Hull Local Plan 2016 to 2032.
The Local Plan is part of the statutory development plan for Hull. It is used to guide new development in the city for the next 15 years, to 2032. The Local Plan provides a vision, strategic priorities for the city, and policies with supporting text based around key themes. The document needs to be read as a whole to understand the spatial issues facing the city and the connection between policies.
A Policies Map accompanies the Local Plan document. This shows the spatial representation of the Local Plan policies, including site allocations and land use designations.
The Local Plan is accompanied by a Sustainability Appraisal. The Sustainability Appraisal assesses the Local Plan policies individually and as a whole against 21 environmental, social and economic objectives. It considers the likely impacts and ways to reduce these. Previous stages of the Plan have also been appraised against the objectives, and this helped inform the final policies in this Plan. The Sustainability Appraisal also includes a Health Impact Assessment and Equalities Impact Assessment, to ensure that the Plan is the most appropriate. The documents refer to the appraisal undertaken for the Publication Plan, and modifications made at Submission and Examination of the Plan.
Access further information regarding our sustainability appraisals.
Other parts of the development plan
Access more information on Kingswood area action plan.
Access more information on Joint waste Local Plan.
Access more information on Joint minerals Local Plan.
If you need any help contact planning services, email or telephone 01482 300 300.
Authority Monitoring Report
The National Planning Policy Framework requires Local Councils to set out strategic priorities through a Local Plan. The Hull Local Plan has been adopted and is being monitored to ensure it reflects the strategic priorities identified.
It is also needed for all Councils to publish progress on the Local Plan and details of co-operation with neighbouring authorities. Together with specified details of housing supply and demand and details of the community infrastructure levy. The report also refers to economic statistics such as employment figures and retail as well as developments, including infrastructure, which have been delivered within the city. An Authority Monitoring Report will be produced yearly.
York, North Yorkshire, East Riding and Hull - Spatial Framework: A vision for growth
This Spatial Framework covers the York, North Yorkshire, East Riding and Hull (YNYERH) area and focuses on the period 2035 to 2050. It looks beyond the time frame of existing and emerging local plans, which set the planning approach across the area for the next 15 to 20 years.
The Spatial Framework is a non-statutory document, prepared to shape and influence the next generation of plans, strategies and investment programmes. Across the YNYERH area, Local Plans will continue to form the statutory development plan for each Local Planning Authority.
The purpose of the Spatial Framework is to promote a long term and co-ordinated approach to growth and infrastructure planning in the YNYERH area.