Our 'looked after children pledge' is of significant importance in relation to this very special group of children and young people. It confirms our commitment to them as corporate parents.
The pledge has been developed by working with children and young people in Hull who have experience of being looked after. It focuses on what they need us to do to support them in reaching their full potential.
Background to the pledge
In 2007 the government released a white paper entitled ‘Care Matters, Time for Change’. The recommendations from this white paper were aimed at improving outcomes for looked after children and young people.
One of these recommendations was that each local authority would develop a ‘Children in Care Council’ (CiCC). The main aim of the CiCC was to develop a pledge to looked after children. The plan would be adopted by the local authority and be unique to their area.
Once adopted, the pledge would provide each CiCC across the country with a benchmark. It is to measure the effectiveness of the services children and young people in care receive. It was left to each local authority to determine who should facilitate, maintain, and develop the Children in Care Councils. In Hull the job was given to the ‘Rights and Participation Project’ (RAPP). They had a history of working creatively and consulting with looked after children.
In 2008, RAPP invited a group of children and young people in care to come together. This was to begin discussing the idea of a CiCC. They decided at this point to call the group ‘Young Voices in Care’ (YVIC).
YVIC began the process of gathering the views of children and young people about the pledge and what should be included. Some of the group attended national conferences. This gave them an idea on how others were progressing. By August 2011 the pledge was complete.
Our pledge to children and young people -
- support you in achieving your dreams
- help you to have fun and get involved in clubs and activities. That way you can make new friends and develop your interests
- provide you with a safe and comfortable home where you can feel a part of a family or group
- keep you safe from harm where you live, at school and in the city
- support and guide you with any health or emotional needs
- help you to get quick and useful information and appointments
- help you to do the best you can at school and give you support with -
- reading
- writing
- maths
- other subjects
- support you in taking up education and training opportunities after you leave school
- support you in becoming successful adults with a positive future