The purpose of this survey is to obtain views on the service you have received from Children, Young People and Families’ service. This is so that we can improve the service that we provide.
We can be contacted by -
- emailing -
- calling - 01482 300 300
- talking to your social worker or early help worker
We process information about -
- your views on the service you received
All information is supplied on an optional basis but may include -
- demographic information, including sensitive data such as ethnicity
- details of your or your family's involvement with social care or early help
Surveys are normally kept for 5 years.
We will not ask you for your children’s names or for any personally identifiable information. If you answer some of the questions with details of you or your family’s situation, a worker or manager who knows your family well may still be able to identify you.
If you would like to enquire about how your personal information is processed by us or wish to complain contact –
Hull City Council
Data Protection Officer
Room 11
The Guildhall
Email –
Telephone – 01482 300 300
You also have the right to complain to the regulator –
Information Commissioner's Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Telephone - 03031 231 113 (local rate) or 01625 545 745 if you prefer to use a national rate number