Have your say in the future of the city
The Hull Development Plan is the name given to a series of documents. They set out the council’s policies and proposals for the use of land in our area. Included in the development plan is the Hull Local Plan. It is a strategic planning document that was adopted in 2017. There is also the Statement of Community Involvement (SCI) - July 2021.
The SCI sets out how we will carry out consultation and engagement. This is as part of our planning duties. It involves preparing the Local Plan. It reviews other planning policies and considers planning applications is also included.
For each of these matters, a brief description of the subject is provided. There is also a table setting out the various stages at which consultation is required. The council’s intentions for how consultation should be undertaken is set out as well.
The SCI presents an opportunity. It will help make all consultation and engagement events reflect on best practice. It includes better use of technology and communication measures.