We have a statutory duty under the Education and Inspection Act 2006 to promote sustainable travel and transport. The duty applies to children and young people of compulsory school age. It is the promotion of sustainable travel and transport.
There are 4 main elements to the duty -
- an assessment of the travel and transport needs of children and young people. This is within an authority’s area
- an audit of the sustainable travel and transport infrastructure. This is within the authority where it may be used
- a strategy to develop the sustainable travel and transport infrastructure within the authority. It is so that the travel and transport needs of children and young people are made better
- the promotion of sustainable travel and transport modes
The local authority audit infrastructure supports sustainable travel and transport within the authority’s area. It may be used when travelling to and from or between schools and institutions.
It is backed by -
- public health
- transport services
- children, young people, and family services
The local authority audit infrastructure supports sustainable travel and transport within the authority’s area. It may be used when travelling to and from or between schools and institutions.
Mapping showing how schools are served by -
- bus and other public transport routes. This includes school transport provided by the local authority
- footpaths
- cycle ways
- roads
and associated features including -
- crossing points and patrols
- traffic calming measures
- speed limits
- 20mph zones
made to support sustainable school transport that may be in operation.
Local authority must establish a strategy for developing that infrastructure. It needs to better meet the needs of children and young people in their area.
These improvements should address a range of objectives, including -
- environmental improvements
- health benefits
- enhanced child safety and security
The strategy should be a statement of the authority’s -
- vision
- objectives
- work programme
for improving accessibility to schools.
Parents can get this information when expressing their preferences for schools in the admission round. Information will be available on travel options open to them.
The council has a sustainable mode of travel strategy for children and young people in Hull. It will be published in the near future.