Area committees


Each Committee meets every other month. The Committees are led by the area’s Ward Councillors. They are responsible for making decisions on all items that can be delegated from the Guildhall. All these meetings are open to the public.

Smaller Ward, Neighbourhood Forums or Forums on the move have also been set up to enable issues to be discussed at grass roots level. These allow people to have a say on issues affecting their neighbourhoods, not just Council Services. Matters raised can then be referred to the Area Committees for action.

Each Area Committee is supported by a dedicated Neighbourhood Coordination team. The team is responsible for developing networks with local groups, including forums.

Although the Ward Councillors have the ultimate responsibility for decision-making, they rely on you for information to reflect public opinion. As more people become involved in forums and Area Committees, the decisions made will truly become community decisions.

Getting involved

15 minutes during the meeting are allocated for public questions, which can be submitted online.

Unwritten questions will be taken only at the discretion of the Chair. Questions will be answered at the meeting, if possible, otherwise written replies will be sent.

If required, decisions will be taken under the relevant agenda item.

As the agenda is to be considered in accordance with the Council’s formal committee procedures rather than a public forum. The public present will not be able to participate in the Committee’s discussions on the following items.