We make sure all important decisions the council make are examined in public. This helps to make our process clear to everyone.
The overview and scrutiny management committee and six commissions carry out enquires into important issues that affect the well-being of the city. We then recommend improvements to -
- cabinet - the cabinet includes up to 10 councillors with a portfolio
- full council - this is a monthly meeting with all councillors
- other organisations such as local health trusts
We also
- help the council and chief officers with the budget
- help make policies and study them to make sure they cover everything they should
- discuss council plans before they are put into action
- question councillors, officers, and others reviewing their plans
- check councils' performance targets against its policy objectives
- review performance of one Hull and that of other organisations. These, for example, could be voluntary groups funded by the council
- talk to local organisation so that the views of Hulls communities are heard
- question and gather information and evidence from any person with their consent
You can play a part
Are you interested in influencing discussion relating to council decisions?
Co-optees are used during some overview and scrutiny enquiries. As a co-optee, your views and ideas will bring a different and broader perspective to panel discussions. The council has agreed a scheme which allows the overview and scrutiny management committee to give voting rights to co-optees. This is in relation to specific panel enquiries. These rights are limited to matters relating to that panel and will only be for the duration of the panel's work.