Get involved

Involvement opportunities

We have a number of involvement opportunities available which allow you to have a direct input into the services which are delivered to you.

You can take part in as much or as little as you like. Involvement is set at a level that is comfortable to you.

If there is a particular area you would like to look into and it isn’t covered below, get in touch with the Tenant Participation Team.

Tenants’ Forum

The Tenants’ Forum gives you the opportunity to give feedback and discuss issues that affect housing before any decisions are made. Membership is open to all tenants, residents and interested parties from across the city.

Meetings are held on a monthly basis at The Guildhall. Upcoming meetings can be found on the get involved page, or on our social media accounts. You can also access the Minutes from our previous meetings.

Project and Focus Groups

We have a number of project and focus groups that look at specific areas of interest

Publicity Project Group

The Publicity Project Group meet on a monthly basis to review any publicity or communication material produced by the Neighbourhoods and Housing Service.

The main piece of work that the group help to curate, with the help of our Communications & Marketing team, is the quarterly Hull Housing News newsletter, which can be accessed here.

Customer Access Focus Group

The Customer Access Focus Group meet on a quarterly basis to review and scrutinise the performance of our -

  • 300 300 Call Centre
  • customer service centres
  • community Hubs across the city

The group also discusses any customer facing work of the Housing Service, such as the myHousing App.

Repairs and Maintenance Project Group

Our Repairs and Maintenance Project Group meet on a bi-monthly basis to discuss and review our Housing Repairs Service. The topic of the meeting is set and agreed by the group, with responsible officers attending the meeting to deliver updates.

Multi Storey Living Group

The Multi Storey Living Group meet to discuss and action all issues relating to tenants and residents living in high and low-rise blocks.

Every month we have lead Officers attending to giveupdates on service provision along with monitoring performance such as the -

  • High Rise Team
  • Building Safety Team
  • Building Cleaning Team

Neighbourhood Management Project Group

The Neighbourhood Management Project Group meet quarterly to discuss and action issues relating to neighbourhood management. Guest speakers include -

  • Streetscene
  • tree Management
  • housing service
  • results from local area champion walks

TARA Forum

The Tenants and Residents Association Forum (TARA) meets 6 monthly so that all recognised TARA’s can network and discuss collective issues affecting their groups.

Officers are on hand to refresh their knowledge on the recognition criteria and advise on any relevant training and funding opportunities that are available.

Other involvement opportunities

In addition to the Tenants’ Forum and our Project and Focus Groups, we also have a number of other opportunities that you can take part in.

Mystery shopping

Mystery shopping is an excellent way to assess our staff’s performance and identify areas for improvement.

Volunteers will assume the role of customers with a specific scenario and visit our Customer Service Centres, call our call centre, or use our website to seek advice or information relevant to their scenario.

Afterwards, they will complete a survey to evaluate the usefulness of the information they received.

The data collected from these surveys will be shared with the relevant department, to help improve our customer experience.

Digital Involvement

The Tenant Participation Team actively use social media to promote upcoming events, meetings, and tenant involvement activities that take place in Hull.

Alongside other departments within the Council, the Tenant Participation Team also use digital services, such as YourSay, to engage with the wider tenant and resident population to gather their views and opinions on a range of topics.

Local Area Champions

The Local Area Champion program has been in place since 2018. At present we have over 100 champions who check their streets and areas noting a wide range of issues such as -

  • flytipping
  • abandoned cars
  • grass cutting. 

This activity can be carried out weekly or monthly and reported back to an Officer via telephone, email or post.

Local Area Champions may also request to undertake an assisted “Estate Walk” with an Officer, whereby the Officer will note any identified issues and report them to the appropriate departments.  

Full training is provided to anyone who wishes to become a Local Area Champion.

Block Champions

The Block Champion program was introduced to receive feedback on the communal cleaning standards across the many high and low-rise blocks across the city.

At present we have over 25 champions who inspect their blocks to grade the cleaning standard and identify any issues that may need reporting.

Block Champions can inspect independently, or they can receive assistance from an Officer.

The aim is to have a champion in each block, high-rise and low-rise, over the coming months following an extensive leaflet campaign.

Get involved

If you would like to take part in any of the above opportunities, use the form below to contact the Tenant Participation Team. The below form cannot be used for general housing enquiries, these can be answered in our housing section.

Tenant participation form (opens in a new window)