Tenant and Residents Associations

Support grants

A one-off start up grant of £150

Start-up grants must be spent under the conditions on the application form. A record must be kept of all expenditure along with receipts. The Tenant Participation Team can provide help, information and training on this.

Annual support grants

Annual support grants are available to help with general running costs such as -

  • postage
  • telephone charges
  • stationery

When a group first applies for a support grant, we will need evidence of how their start-up grant was spent.

If a group already receives funding for general running costs from another source, it will not be eligible to apply for a support grant from us. Groups can contact the Tenant Participation Team on 01482 300 300 if they would like information on other sources of financial assistance.

The amount of annual funding available for recognised TARAs depends on the number of council homes they represent.

Total number of council homes Yearly grants
10 to 200 up to £300
201 to 750 up to £450
750+ up to £550

Any remaining funds over £50 of the annual grant will be deducted from the following year’s allocation.

Additional support grants for IT equipment up to £400

Groups can apply for an additional support grant to buy a computer or printer to help with their work.

Additional support funding

Additional support funding is available to groups experiencing financial difficulties or to groups who have had to go through a large consultation exercise. Each application will be dealt with on an individual basis.

All grants are paid directly into a group's bank account.

Other support we provide

Until your group receives its start-up grant, we can provide practical advice and support by -

  • organising venues
  • providing photocopying and basic stationary
  • providing guidance on banking arrangements
  • helping you write your constitution
  • helping design leaflets and posters
  • offering a number of training courses to aid your development
  • inviting guest speakers to your meetings
  • arranging for you to watch a current group working to see how meetings are run

Once your group has received its start-up grant, we can help you by -

  • providing advice and support on a range of issues
  • co-ordinating training courses to meet your group’s needs
  • inviting guest speakers to your meetings

Contact us

Tenant participation team
Hull City Council
Alfred Gelder Street

Telephone - 01482 300 300
Text phone - 01482 300 349
Email - tenant.resident@hullcc.gov.uk