Tendering for contracts


Contract register

You can access a list of all our current contracts with a value of £5,000 or more on YORtender.

Upcoming contract opportunities

All our tenders with a value of £25,000 or more are advertised on the YORtender website. If you are registered for YORtender alerts, you will be notified as soon as they are advertised.

To submit a tender you must be registered with YORtender.

Contract procedure rules

The contract procedure rules are intended to promote good purchasing practice. They also intend to promote public accountability and deter corruption. They are designed to safeguard the interests of -

  • the council
  • council members
  • council employees

Following the rules is the best defence against allegations that a purchase has been made incorrectly or fraudulently.

These procedures apply to all activities of the authority. They also apply where the council is a lead authority in any -

  • joint procurement
  • shared service
  • partnership
  • collaborative arrangement

All officers, including temporary or agency workers, and members must follow these contract procedure rules for all relevant contracts. See Rule 5, Relevant Contracts. They lay down minimum requirements. A more thorough procedure may be appropriate for a particular contact.