Young People, Skills and Employability Service

Further information


We use a Client Caseload Information System (CCIS) to record the status of young people. By identifying and tracking young people we can then make decisions about where to focus our support services to reduce the number of young people whose status is NEET or not known.

September Guarantee

We have a statutory duty to try to ensure that all year 11 and year 12 pupils on a one-year course receive an offer of a place in education or training for the following September.

Our publications

We publish a series of independent technical reports at various points during the course of the year (in line with the release of the associated data sets). The suite of documents provides young people and stakeholders with an overview of the pertinent information relating to the post-16 agenda. These reports are available to download.

You can find our information booklet designed specifically for young people to help reach your academic and career goals.