In this section
Sale of vehicles on the highway
Advertising and exposing vehicles for sale
In certain locations, garages and other businesses may place cars for sale on the highway. Or they can be sold in a lay-by for extended periods of time. Enforcement action may be taken if 2 or more vehicles are exposed or advertised for sale on the highway.
This is not intended to be aimed at individuals selling cars privately on the highway. It is recognised persons may at one time or another wish to sell vehicles on the highway. It is expected that this will only happen on rare occasions.
If an individual is found to be selling higher numbers of vehicles on the highway, we may contact those involved. We might request they show that they are not acting for the purposes of a business.
If you are an individual intending to sell a vehicle on the highway, we recommend you always ensure -
- your vehicle registration document (V5) is up to date. This is to confirm the current registered keeper of the vehicle
- it does not obstruct the highway or cause a nuisance
- you give consideration to parking for others in the local community
- your vehicle is insured
- it has a valid MOT certificate
- your vehicle has a valid vehicle excise licence
If you have contacted the DVLA and confirmed you have taken your vehicle off the highway through a Statutory Off Road Notification (SORN), do not leave it on the highway. It must be stored on private land.
Selling vehicles on the highway
If you are a dealer or business involved with the sale of second hand goods such as vehicles and you wish to trade in Hull, you legally have to register with us. This is under the Humberside Act 1982.
We do not recommend buying vehicles advertised for sale on the highway. This is especially from unknown persons.
If you are buying a used car privately, you should always deal with the person at their address or at a garage.
You should never buy a car without being shown the logbook for that vehicle.
For more details on carrying out repairs to, or the exposure or sale of vehicles on the highway, access the legislation on GOV.UK.