
Reducing parental conflict toolkit - Learning and Development courses

Course Title Reducing parental conflict toolkit
Course Information
  • to give practitioners an opportunity to explore the toolkit
  • to understand parental conflict and what the research says about its impact on family functioning and outcomes for both adults and children
  • to recognise how children are specifically affected in the short and long term
  • to recognise that there is a difference between domestic abuse and parental conflict
  • to feel confident about embedding couple relationship quality curiosity into everyday practice
  • to become familiar with the with Amity Relationship toolkit and its contents
  • to understand -
    • some of the of tools, strategies, and activities
    • the pre- and post-support self-reporting questionnaire
    • how to use these within the context of parental conflict and individual support
Course length 3.5 hours
Target group

All who come into contact with families and children.

  • Wednesday 4 September 2024 - 9.30am to 1pm
  • Monday 14 October 2024 - 9.30am to 1pm
  • Tuesday 4 March 2025 - 9.30am to 1pm
Venue Brunswick House
Strand Close
How to apply

Hull City Council Staff

Log on to OLM (Oracle Learning Management System) to enrol.

External to Hull City Council

Complete the online application form (opens in a new window).