Children and Young People
- Adversity and Trauma-Informed Practice
- An Introduction to Liquid Logic Childrens System
- Attachment Trauma and Brain Development
- Attachment Trauma and Brain Development Refresher
- Becoming Culturally Competent
- Calming the Angry Child
- Child Sexual Abuse Workshop
- Children and Young People’s Trauma Informed Care Programme – awareness training
- County Lines Advanced Training
- Designated Teacher for LAC
- Domestic Abuse Children and Young People (Expect Respect Educational Toolkit and Young People's Risk Identification Checklist)
- Early Brain Development
- Elective Home Education
- Evidencing the Voice and Lived Experiences of the Child
- Fathers and Partners Perinatal Mental Health Awareness Workshop
- Increasing Parents' Ability to Protect Workshop
- Introduction to Achieving Best Evidence training
- Introduction to Private Fostering
- Introduction to Trauma Informed City training
- Life Story Work
- Medication - Approved Medication for Children Services
- Mind of my Own Apps
- Moving and Handling Children and Adults Refresher
- Neglect Partner Workshop
- New to Early Years Foundation Stage
- Outcome Star training
- Protective Behaviours Work with Children and Young People
- Recognising and Responding to Harmful Sexual Behaviours and Sibling Abuse
- Reducing Parental Conflict Toolkit
- Self-Harm Awareness
- Sexual Health for Young People with Learning Disabilities
- Signs of Safety 2-day training
- Signs of Safety Partnership Briefing
- Solihull Approach 2-day Foundation Training
- Substance Use - Screening and Brief Interventions
- Supervising Family Time
- The Oliver McGowan Mandatory training on Learning Disability and Autism Tier 2
- Therapeutic Crisis Intervention - Childcare 5-day Version 7
- Therapeutic Crisis Intervention - TCI(F) Refresher for Fostering Social Workers
- Trauma Sensitive Practice with Children
- Understanding Attachment Theory
- Understanding Dissociation in Children
- Understanding Parental Conflict and Its Impact on Child Outcomes
- Understanding the PACE Approach and Applying Principles
- Understanding Your Child – Sollihull Approach 2 Day Foundation Training
- Virtual School training and Support for Social Workers New and Refresher
- VR Training
- We Can Talk about Domestic Abuse Working with Families
- Working with Child Sexual Abuse in the Family Environment
- WRAP training