
We can talk about domestic abuse working with families - Learning and Development courses

Course Title We can talk about domestic abuse working with families
Course Information

This is specialist training for the social care workforce. It is to raise awareness and understanding of domestic abuse and coercive and controlling behaviour. The impact this has on victims, their children, and the family as a whole and the importance of a co-ordinated community response for the whole family.

This course will cover -

  • define domestic abuse and coercive and controlling behaviour
  • understand the impact domestic abuse has on children and young people and adult survivors
  • understand different typologies and stages of coercive control and tactics used by perpetrators
  • explore risk identification, assessment, and MARAC processes
  • stages of change and motivational interviewing
  • consider the barriers faced by victims and their children when attempting to or planning to leave, and to rebuild their lives
  • consider safe strategies and tools to engage with the perpetrator
  • consider resilience and protective factors for children and young people
  • understand local domestic abuse services available and safety planning strategies
  • explored the forms domestic violence and abuse can take and the contexts in which it can occur and the impact it has on adults and children and young people
  • examined ways to engage with the whole family and the challenges this can present
  • explored what services and support are available locally
  • examined practice tools and assessments tools and links to signs of safety
Course length 4 hours
Target group

All social workers working within children and young peoples and family services directorate

  • Tuesday 6 to Wednesday 7 August 2024 - 9am to 1pm
  • Monday 23 to Tuesday 24 September 2024 - 9am to 1pm
  • Wednesday 16 to Thursday 17 October 2024 - 9am to 1pm
  • Monday 18 to Tuesday 19 November 2024 - 9am to 1pm
  • Tuesday 3 to Wednesday 4 December 2024 - 9am to 1pm
Venue Brunswick House
Strand Close
How to apply

Hull City Council Staff

Log on to OLM (Oracle Learning Management System) to enrol.

External to Hull City Council

Complete the online application form (opens in a new window).