Council Tax arrears

Liability order

The liability order gives us the right to recover the debt by enforcement through various methods such as -

  • attachment of earnings
  • Enforcement Agent action
  • bankruptcy proceedings a petition for bankruptcy can be presented in the County Court against any person owing at least £5000. This is a very serious matter and you can expect to lose your assets, including your home
  • charging orders
  • committal to prison
  • an enquiry into your income and expenses takes place and a payment order made by the magistrates. Failure to maintain payments could ultimately result in a prison sentence. If you do not appear in court, the magistrates issue a warrant for your arrest with bail.

After a Liability Order is granted we send you a letter. It gives you 14 days to pay in full or make a suitable payment arrangement. This letter includes a form requesting details of your household income. You must complete and return it. 

The form is part of the legal procedure and must be returned by law. If it is not returned, a fine of £500 could be issued by the courts. If false information is supplied, you can receive a fine of up to £1,000. A criminal conviction would also be recorded.

Make an arrears repayment arrangement (opens in a new window)