Customer feedback and complaints

Through our feedback scheme you can -

  • compliment us - we are always pleased to know that we are providing a good service or that our staff are doing a good job. It helps us to know we are developing services in the right way
  • provide your suggestions - let us know if you have an idea that would help us improve the way we do things
  • make complaints - express dissatisfaction with any of our services either provided by us, our partners, or a contractor -
    • you can make a complaint about any service provided by the council or a contractor working on our behalf. Examples of things you can complain about can include -
      • If you feel we have done something wrong
      • we have failed to provide you with a service or the standard of service isn't what you expected
      • we have not followed our policies and procedures correctly
      • you are not happy with the conduct of a member of staff whilst they are delivering a Council service. We cannot investigate staff conduct outside of the workplace under our complaints process. If you wish to report suspected wrongdoing by a Council employee, please see our wrongdoing at the Council page
    • complaints about council staff misconduct may be dealt with under the staff disciplinary procedure. The complaint will be investigated. For confidentiality reasons, the details of disciplinary proceedings will not be shared with the complainant
    • we provide a fair and reasonable complaint service and make it as accessible as possible, if you require any reasonable adjustments please inform us at the earliest possible opportunity
    • it is completely at our discretion how your complaints and feedback are handled. If you are unhappy with how your complaints or feedback are being handled you can approach the relevant Ombudsman for help and advice at any time

Find out about providing feedback for the following service areas -

For any other service area complete the form below -

Give us your feedback (opens in a new window)

More information is available about what happens to your feedback after it is submitted to us.

You can access our annual complaints performance and monthly complaint statistics here. This data includes all feedback and complaints received by the council. It excludes Children’s Statutory Complaints.