Register a death

Information needed when registering a death

It is important that information you provide when registering a death is accurate. The registrar will ask you questions to get the information needed. The registrar will enter the details you provide onto the computer. Then they will print out the register page. It is important that the information is accurate, as the record created is a legal record. You are to check and sign this page at the end of the registration. If a correction is needed at a later date, there is a formal procedure to follow to request this. It can be time-consuming and may incur costs up to £99.

The registrar may need to check spellings with you. It may be useful to have some documents with you so that you can refer to them when confirming details. Useful documents include the deceased's -

  • driving licence
  • passport
  • birth certificate
  • marriage certificate
  • council tax
  • utility bill

The available information sheet details all the information that will be recorded. It helps you to prepare answers to the questions the registrar will ask. This form can be downloaded. It can be used in advance of your appointment. You can use it to prepare and write down the information to be recorded.