Register a stillbirth

A stillborn child is legally defined as a child born after the week 24 of pregnancy. They must not have, at any time after being born, breathe or show any other signs of life.

When a child is stillborn, the doctor or midwife will issue a Medical Certificate of Stillbirth. The registrars need this certificate before an appointment to register the stillbirth can be made. This certificate should be emailed to the register office by staff at the hospital. When they do this, they should also include contact details on the email. This is for the registrars to use to contact you and book the appointment.

If you have been advised that paperwork has been issued but you have not been contacted, or if you have missed a call from Registrars, contact us by -

If the staff at the hospital have given you the original paper copy of the Medical Certificate of Stillbirth, the Registrars may ask you to send a photograph of this document to them. This is so that they can check it before making the appointment. This appointment will take around 20 minutes.

The registrar will be able to provide you with copies of the certificate of registration at a cost of £12.50 each.

If the stillbirth occurred in Hull but it is not convenient for you to come to the Hull Register Office, it is possible to make a declaration of the stillbirth at an alternative office in another district. The registrar from this district will record the details in the form of a declaration. After this, they will send it to our office for us to use to complete the registration without you being present. Contact us if you are considering this option.