Register a stillbirth

Information required at registration

Information about the mother -

  • forenames and surname
  • maiden surname if the mother is, or has been, married
  • date and place of birth
  • occupation at the time of the still birth or, if not employed, her previous occupation
  • usual address at the date of the still birth
  • date of marriage, if married to the child's father at the time of the still birth
  • number of previous children by the present husband and by any former husband

Information about the father, if this information is to be entered -

  • forenames and surname
  • date and place of birth
  • occupation at the time of the still birth or, if not employed, his previous occupation

Information about the child -

  • forenames and surname, if the parents wish to name the child
  • date and place of still birth
  • gender of the child

Make sure all the information you give when registering is correct. The registrar enters the details you provide on to the computer and prints the register page. You are asked to check the information carefully before you sign the page. The register page that you sign is a legal document and when signing it you are agreeing it to be an accurate record. It is very important to check your registration thoroughly before you sign it. A fee of up to £99 is applied to corrections or changes that are requested after registration