
Graffiti on public land

If requested, we can remove graffiti from the following -

  • council buildings
  • parks and open spaces
  • street furniture for example -
    • street lights
    • bollards
    • beacons
    • signs
    • monuments
    • benches
    • street litter bins
  • private residential property
    • fee is applicable
    • disclaimer must be signed prior to removal
  • public highway, includes footpaths

If you have requested graffiti to be removed, we will –

  • contact and update you of the action taken
  • prioritise the removal of offensive graffiti

Request graffiti to be removed (opens in a new window)

Graffiti is a crime

Graffiti can take the form of -

  • words
  • scribbles
  • patterns or images and can be written
  • painted
  • sprayed or scratched on the surface of any property.

Graffiti may be classed as criminal damage if –

  • placed on a property without consent of the owner
  • causes property to be damaged or destroyed

Graffiti can also cause concern to the community -

  • contributes to higher perceptions of anti-social behaviour and crime
  • can be costly to owners of private property

How to report someone responsible for graffiti

If you have witnessed someone placing graffiti on any property –

Report a person responsible for graffiti (opens in a new window)

Once you have reported someone responsible for graffiti, we will –

  • respond
  • update you on the progress or action taken

We investigate any complaints of graffiti and take enforcement action, so long as –

  • there is enough evidence to prove an offence has taken place
  • we can identify and locate the person responsible