
Graffiti on private land

We do not remove graffiti from private property listed below -

  • private business property
  • port authority or network rail line
  • academy schools
  • junction boxes
  • telephone boxes
  • mobile phone masts
  • telegraph poles
  • housing associations
  • bus shelters

You should report graffiti to the owners.

Reporting hate crime or vandalism

Report any hate crime or vandalism to Humberside Police.

If you have been a victim of graffiti vandalism on your property, it is your responsibility to remove it.

Hate crime is hostility or prejudice towards a persons' - 

  • age
  • disability
  • race or ethnicity
  • religion or belief
  • sexual orientation
  • transgender identity.

You can make a report by calling 101 or Report a Hate Crime or incident (opens in a new window).

Graffiti on railways

If you wish to report graffiti on a railway property, contact Network Rail -