Bid for a home

'My housing online' has been replaced with the myHousing app. You can find more information on our myHousing app page.

To bid for properties through the myHousing, you need to re-register. Your old login details will not work.

You must also be registered on our housing list, Homesearch, to bid for properties.

Find out more information on registering on the housing list.

You can bid for properties by accessing the myHousing app on the button below as well as by -

  • email -
  • include your application reference number, your name, date of birth and the details of the properties such as reference numbers and addresses you want to bid for
  • telephoning 01482 300 300

Place a bid (opens in a new window)

Number of bids

The number of bids you can make in each advert depends on which priority band you are in. If you are in band -

  • A or B you can make up to 3 bids
  • C, D or E you can make up to 2 bids

If you bid for a property that is not owned by us, you agree to let us share your details with the landlord. The property advert will state who the landlord is.

Weekly adverts

Adverts are published weekly on a Thursday morning. Bidding closes the following Monday at 5pm. This may change across public holidays or when we need to carry out essential system maintenance.

We expect a high volume of people using the website on Thursdays when bidding opens. If you have any problems placing bids on Thursdays, be aware that it is not a first come, first served process. You have until bidding closes to place your bids.

In the app, you need to scroll to the bottom of the page and select browse all available properties.

Choosing your bids and refusing offers

It is very important that you choose your bids carefully. Only bid for properties that you are eligible for and would accept if offered.

If you refuse 2 offers of accommodation within a 6-month period, your housing application will be frozen for 6-months. You will not be able to bid whilst your application is frozen.

Placing a bid

When bidding is open there are 3 search icons at the bottom of the page. To bid for a property you must add it to your basket. Once you have added all your bids to your basket you need to confirm them, or they are not placed.

Make sure you allow enough time to place your bids before the 5pm deadline. Any bids received after the deadline will not be considered.