
What we investigate

Work on trees that we own -

  • our policies may allow us to carry out work which we are not required to undertake by law

We will deal with

A tree touching a private property –

  • we take action to remove the nuisance by the most appropriate means
  • often the solution will be for us to prune the tree
  • in some circumstances, it may be more appropriate to cut down the tree

If we decide to prune the tree -

  • we aim to prevent the same problem re-occurring within 3 years

We may deal with

Fruit trees are welcomed in many locations with the added benefit of providing free food.

Nuisance caused by overhanging branches at a private property -

  • could be included as part of our general tree work programme
  • the programme is discretional and subject to the availability of funding

Fruit, berries and nuts from trees -

  • to remove or reduce falling onto footways or private land

Includes the fruit trees -

  • apple
  • cherry
  • pear

When considering what tree to plant we do take account of the likelihood of such problems.

Telephone wires and trees

To remove or reduce interference the council may undertake works to prune trees -

  • only where pruning would be an effective measure
  • wires do and can run through trees with little or no effect
  • service providers will often install the wires after the tree has been planted

Anti-social behaviour and trees

If this occurs due to throwing fruit or nuts from a fruit tree -

  • we will consider phased removal and replacement with a more suitable species
  • if a tree is linked to criminal activity or anti-social behaviour, action will be taken. This will include the coordination of many agencies, and the police
  • pruning or felling a tree is not always the answer to the problem. Some research shows that areas with lots of trees help to make places safer

Neglected spaces

Can encourage criminal activity or anti-social behaviour, spaces such as those with -

  • with overgrown trees
  • untidy areas

Tree and grounds maintenance programme

Improves areas by making the local environment -

  • cleaner
  • greener
  • safer

Security cameras or sensors blocked by trees

This must be requested by an appropriate statutory authority. An example of this would be the police on the grounds of public safety.

Unless requested to do so, we do not fell or prune trees to improve the -

  • range
  • vision

Security of premises is the responsibility of the owner. Any system should be installed to avoid interference.