
Works to Trees and Tree Preservation Orders

Works to trees

You need our approval to fell or carry out other works to a tree within a conservation area, or to a tree covered by a tree preservation order (TPO).

You can request approval by filling in the Tree Works application form.

How to find out if there is a tree preservation order on a tree

You can find out which trees are covered by a tree preservation order by checking the list of Tree Preservation Orders.

Other concerns about TPO or trees within a conservation area

If you believe a tree under a TPO or a tree within a conservation area is -

  • dead
  • dying
  • dangerous

You will need to complete the below online form or telephone 01482 300 300.

Planning and Development enquiries (opens in a new window)

Other trees that may be protected

Sometimes when an area is redeveloped, planning permission is given on the condition the trees in the area are protected. If you wish to carry out works to a tree with this protection, you will need to write to us for approval. You should clearly explain what you intend to do and enclose a plan that identifies the tree.

You can find out if a tree is protected by a planning permission by contacting us on -