Data protection

CCTV requests

Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) in Hull

CCTV is one of the tools we use to tackle crime and anti-social behaviour in Hull. CCTV helps us monitor streets and public spaces. It can also be used as part of wider operations by the council, police and other organisations. Hull City Council’s CCTV Control Room monitors cameras around the city, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

If you would like to complain about the operation of the system, or you feel that we have not complied with the CCTV code of practice, call us on 01482 300 300. Or you can contact us via email at

For independent advice and guidance on CCTV, contact The Information Commissioner's Office (ICO).

Storage of CCTV images

Recordings are kept for 31 days for street cameras. They are kept for 7 to 14 days for cameras used for the security of council buildings. Storage and retrieval of CCTV images allows analysis of evidence after an event has occurred. The council is only permitted to store images recorded from CCTV cameras for 31 days. This is unless the Police request images for evidence in an investigation. After 31 days, all images that have not been formally requested for evidence are destroyed.

Individuals accessing CCTV images

Under the Data Protection Act, individuals can access CCTV images that we hold of them by submitting a Subject Access Request.

Only images of the person requesting the information can be supplied. This is unless all other individuals who may be identified from the CCTV images have consented to the disclosure. All other personal data which may identify any third party will be concealed or erased.

Schedule 2 Part 1 (2) requests for CCTV recordings

Organisations that have a crime prevention, law enforcement or tax collection function may require CCTV footage held by Hull City Council -

  • to prevent or detect a crime
  • to apprehend or prosecute an offender
  • for taxation or benefit purposes

These organisations can submit Schedule 2 Part 1 (2) requests -

  • Police
  • HM Revenue and Customs
  • Child Support Agency
  • Health and Safety Executive
  • Official Receiver
  • Solicitors or another acting on your client's behalf
  • Solicitor acting on your client behalf, but asking for another’s data
  • other Local Authorities or Public Bodies, acting under statutory powers

The fee for providing copies of CCTV images for Schedule 2 Part 1 (2) requests is £180. This covers the cost of -

  • the system
  • staff administration
  • materials
  • VAT

We do not charge organisations to review images under supervision. We do not charge organisations for us to review images on their behalf. All requests are considered on a case-by-case basis.

Schedule 2 Part 1 (5) requests for CCTV recordings

Where organisations need CCTV footage in connection with legal proceedings, or where disclosure of CCTV footage is required by law, a request under Schedule 2 Part 1 (5) of the Data Protection Act should be made. The fee for providing copies of CCTV images for Schedule 2 Part 1 (5) requests is £102. All requests are considered on a case-by-case basis.

To make a Schedule 2 Part 1 (5) request for CCTV footage, email the Information Governance Team at State details of what information you would like and why it is necessary for the purpose of legal proceedings. Or confirm the disclosure is required by law.