Get involved

Tenant involvement is mainly for people who live in homes rented from Hull City Council. We do also offer resident involvement for those who are interested in making their local area a better place. We offer a wide range of ways for people to get involved. You can choose the method that best suits you, including -

  • completing surveys
  • attending a tenants' forum or project group meeting
  • becoming a member of one of our Tenant and Resident Associations
  • becoming a local area champion – checking your local area for any issues

Contact the Tenant Participation Team for more information.

Our Tenants’ Compact document sets out how tenants can influence housing in Hull and have their say on issues that may affect them. If you would like a paper copy of the compact, or you would like more information on the involvement opportunities available, contact the Tenant Participation Team.

Tenants' Forum

The Tenants' Forum gives you the opportunity to give feedback and discuss issues that affect housing before any decisions are made. Membership is open to all tenants, residents and interested parties from across the city.

The Forum has adopted a code of conduct and terms of reference. This is so that all members understand and agree how it should function. It is to make sure that their work is carried out -

  • openly
  • efficiently
  • fairly
  • in a business-like manner

Access our Tenant Forum newsletters

Forum meetings

A forum pack is sent out to members of the Tenants' Forum before each meeting. It gives details of the month's forum agenda, previous month's minutes, and feedback forms from any tenant participation activities that have taken place since the last forum.

Next meeting date

Our next Tenants’ Forum is taking place on Wednesday 22 May 2024 between 10am and 12.45pm. If you would like to attend, notify the Tenant Participation Team through the general enquiry form below.

Tenant participation general enquiry (opens in a new window)