In this section
Archaeology and development – type of monitoring
We can recommend several methods of archaeological fieldwork.
The staff do not carry out any type of monitoring or fieldwork.
Contact an archaeological contractor or consultant if you have a condition on your planning application.
Archaeology and development – type of monitoring
The following are some examples of the level of monitoring that may be required.
Archaeological observation, investigation and recording
Groundwork archaeological, monitored by an archaeologist, includes –
- observation
- investigation
- recording
Should archaeological remains be encountered –
- before work continues - the archaeologist is allowed the time to make a record
- unless agreed - the watching brief fits in around the developer's timetable and should not cause delay
- monitoring - will be conducted during the development process
- only be carried out - when permission is granted for a planning application and an archaeological condition has been attached
Building recording
Building recording works take place prior to any work starting. May be required if the important building or structure is -
- historical
- archaeological
Building recordings may be in the form of a photographic survey with –
- written descriptions - of any features remaining in the building
- measurements
- drawn records
Time must be allowed for such works to be undertaken prior to any development or demolition.
Archaeological evaluation
A prior field evaluation of the site may be requested. This would apply if development is expected to have a significant impact on the archaeology.
The archaeological work can be undertaken prior to submitting a planning application.
The results of the evaluation can be combined with any planning application made.
In general, a field evaluation will consist of one, or a combination, of the following -
- geophysical survey - below ground sensing
- survey - of earthwork remains
- programme - of fieldwalking
- programme - of coring
- monitored - topsoil strip and targeted excavation of archaeological features
- trial trenching - the digging of exploratory trenches
The aim of the evaluation is to determine the significance of the archaeology within the development area. This will include the exact -
- scale
- location
- nature
- depth
What happens next
When the results of the first archaeological evaluation are available, we are –
- in a better position - to look at the impact of the development on any archaeological remains
- able to talk - about the measures that we need to take to reduce any damage to the archaeology
There are three main ways in which archaeology can be preserved within a development -
- the development can be designed around the archaeology
- significant remains can be left unaffected within pockets of open space
- where deposits lie below a certain depth
- the use of shallow foundations, such as raft foundations, means that archaeology can remain protected
- where destruction is unavoidable - preservation by record
- full excavation, followed by post-excavation analysis and publication of results
The End Result
Once measures have been agreed and implemented, the development may go ahead, subject to –
- planning permission
- other planning constraints
The results of any archaeological fieldwork may be -
- added - to the historic environment record
- published - an account or summary in an archaeological journal
The process will help produce future advice.
For more information contact us by -
- email -
- telephone - 01482 217 466