Private Sector Tenants

Looking after the property

You have a responsibility to take care of the property you are renting and avoid causing any damage. In general, landlords are responsible for -

  • the repair and maintenance of the exterior
  • the structure of the property
  •  plumbing
  • wiring
  • central heating

They also need to make sure that gas and electrical installations comply with safety standards. As a tenant, you are responsible for -

  • looking after internal decorations, furniture, and equipment
  • reporting repairs, preferably in writing
  • minor maintenance. Checking smoke alarms are working and changing light bulbs, for instance
  • repairing or replacing anything you damage
  • disposing of your rubbish properly by making sure that you use the correct bins and by putting out your bins for emptying when and where you are supposed to
  • complying with your tenancy agreement regarding pets, parking and gardening, for example
  • heating the property adequately and making sure it is kept well ventilated

Asking permission when it is needed

Most tenants must ask permission from their landlord if they want to -

  • make improvements to the property
  • sublet or take in a lodger
  • pass on the tenancy to someone else
  • run a business from the property

You may also need to ask permission for things such as -

  • keeping a pet
  • smoking
  • parking a caravan on the property

Always put your request in writing. Make sure you get your landlord's written permission.