Private Sector Tenants

Further information

Not causing a nuisance

You should take care not upset or annoy your neighbours. Antisocial behaviour is a legal reason for eviction and includes things like -

  • having the stereo or TV on too loudly
  • not keeping pets under control
  • allowing your children or visitors to be a nuisance
  • allowing rubbish to pile up
  • using the house for illegal activities

Being responsible for your household and visitors

You are responsible for the behaviour of everyone in your household and of anyone staying with or visiting you.

Ending your tenancy properly

If you want to move out, you must end your tenancy properly. It may be possible to end your tenancy immediately if the landlord accepts this. Normally you must give your landlord the necessary notice stated in your tenancy agreement.

Giving your landlord access when necessary

You must give your landlord access to your property to carry out inspections and to do repairs. Most tenancy agreements contain information about how and when your landlord can get access to the property. You are entitled to be given reasonable notice of this.

Further information

If you need more information on your rights, get in touch with Citizens Advice. Or have a look at the renters guide.

You could also contact us.

Private renting enquiries (opens in a new window)