Textile recycling

Recycle unwanted textiles at home

Whether you are decluttering your wardrobe or simply looking for sustainable disposal options, there are various ways to responsibly recycle textiles.

Clothing banks and Charity Shops or bags

One of the most accessible ways to recycle unwanted textiles is by donating them to clothing banks or charity shops. Many supermarkets, car parks, and local community centres have clothing banks where you can drop off your items.

Online selling platforms

If your unwanted textiles are in good condition, consider selling them on online platforms such as eBay, Depop, Vinted or Facebook Marketplace. By giving your items a second life through resale, you not only reduce waste, but also potentially earn some extra cash. Take clear photos, provide accurate descriptions, and set reasonable prices to attract buyers and maximise your sales.

Upcycling and DIY projects

Get creative with your unwanted textiles by upcycling them into new and useful items. Whether you are turning old t-shirts into cleaning rags, transforming jeans into denim accessories, or repurposing fabric scraps for craft projects, upcycling allows you to breathe new life into discarded textiles while reducing waste. Explore online tutorials and inspiration to unleash your creativity.

Make do and mend

Embrace the tradition of the ‘make do and mend’ mentality. Turn a hand to learning how to darn a sock or sewing those small tears in your textile items to extend their life.