Private housing improvements

Rosmead Street

The flood resilience scheme has recently been completed on the west of Rosmead Street, and a frontage improvement scheme to Rosmead Street and the adjoining court terraces is now underway. Hull City Council have appointed Houlton to undertake these works, a local company founded in Hull in 1879.

The scheme includes 332 properties.

The works offered to property fronts within the scheme include -

  • new boundary
  • garden treatment
  • rainwater goods
  • minor repairs
  • redecoration
  • communal footpaths to all of the court terraces on Rosmead Street

To contact the Houlton -

Find out more information on energy improvement and thermal efficiency.

More information on loans that may help you make repairs or improvements to your property from home appreciation loan and equity and the Homecheque scheme.

For queries relating to frontage improvement work, email

For enquiries relating to the flood work, contact Living with Water by -