In this section
Report a concern
If you have been or still are the victim of abuse, or you know someone who you think is being abused, report your concern using the form below.
Concern for an adult - raise a concern (opens in a new window)
We recommend that you discuss your concerns with the Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub before you complete and send the concern form. A member of the team will be able to give you guidance and support and agree the next steps with you.
You can contact them by -
- telephone 01482 616 092
- email
Professional organisations
If you are a member of a professional organisation and have concerns about an adult you have been working with or come across in your professional capacity and consider them to be a high risk you can request the following -
What happens after you share your concerns with us
When you contact us, we will discuss the concern with you to determine what needs to happen next. In some instances, this may result in us undertaking further enquiries. Or we may suggest a different course of action.
If you are contacting us with concerns for someone else, we will want to make arrangements to talk to the person themselves about the concerns. We will do this by telephone or through a visit.
We will always want to find out the views and wishes of the person at risk before deciding on any safeguarding action.
We work with the person to help them make any changes they have identified. This is to better protect themselves from abuse or neglect.
Sometimes the person at risk of abuse is not able to make these decisions. Where this is the case, we will make sure that any actions taken are in the person’s best interest, in line with the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
Usually, a person has a friend or relative who can offer some support during a safeguarding enquiry. If the person has no one to support them, we can arrange an advocate for them. This is someone to speak up for them and act on their behalf.