School attendance and absence

Help and guidance for parents and carers

Parents and carers have a duty to ensure that their children of compulsory school age are receiving suitable full-time education. If a child goes missing, parents or carers must inform the school if they -

  • move
  • emigrate
  • return late from a family holiday
  • decide to home educate
  • privately educate

Children are classed as a child missing education until you -

  • inform the school that they are leaving
  • explain why they have not returned to school
  • explain what education provision they are to receive

To avoid your children being regarded as a child missing education -

  • always give your children’s school your forwarding details and information on the new school, including if you migrate
  • provide full details of the private school your children are to transfer to before they leave
  • inform the school, in writing if you decide to home educate your children