School attendance and absence

Exclusion from school

Your child may be excluded from school by the Headteacher for several reasons. It can be anything from half a day to permanently. There are 2 types of exclusion.


This means that a pupil is not allowed in school for a specified number of days. It is because they have breached the school's behaviour policy.

Permanent exclusion

The headteacher has decided that a pupil should not continue at the school. This could be because of a serious breach or persistent failure to follow the school's behaviour policy. Allowing the pupil to remain in school would harm the education or welfare of the pupil or others in the school.

You can request a copy of the school's behaviour policy. It sets out the circumstances in which a pupil may be excluded. School Governors consider exclusions. They meet within 15 school days of being notified of the exclusion -

  • when the exclusion is for more than 15 days
  • if the pupil has exclusions adding up to more than 15 days in one term
  • if it would result in your child missing a public examination or national curriculum test
  • if the exclusion is permanent

The governors will decide whether to uphold the headteacher's decision. Parents or carers and the pupil, where appropriate, can attend and speak at the meeting. Or they can submit a written statement.

If your child is excluded

The headteacher writes to you and lets you know -

  • the reasons for the exclusion and the steps taken to try to avoid exclusion
  • the type and length of the exclusion
  • arrangements to enable your child to continue their education
  • your rights to put your case to the governing body, including the date by which a written statement must be made to the governing body
  • your right to see your child's school record
  • the name and telephone number of the contact at the local authority who can provide advice on the exclusion process.

If the exclusion is permanent

The local authority arranges for alternative full-time provision to be put in place from the sixth day. This is with a different education provider or pupil referral unit. The school also provides work for your child for the first 5 days.

When the governors uphold the headteacher's decision to permanently exclude your child, you have the right to request a review by an independent review panel. A review panel does not have the power to instruct a governing body to reinstate an excluded pupil. It can direct a governing board to reconsider its decision. This is if they feel that the board’s decision is flawed.

Additional information

You can find more information and parental guides on The Education Advisory Service.

If you think disability discrimination has occurred, you can appeal or make a claim to -

Special Educational Needs and Disability Tribunal
Mowden Hall
Staindrop Road