If your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), there is a separate admissions process. Find more details on the Local Offer website.
If your child was born between 1 September 2020 and 31 August 2021, you must apply for a primary school place between 1 October 2024 and 15 January 2025. If you live in Hull, you must apply to us with your preferences for primary schools for your child. This is even if the school you want is not in Hull.
If you have moved to the UK and want to apply for a school place for your child, you must check that you have a right to live or work in the UK without any immigration restriction (or that the conditions of your immigration status permit you to have access to a state funded school place). It is your responsibility as the parent/carer to check that your children have a right to study at a state funded school.
Making an application from 1 October 2024 to 15 January 2025
To make your application, register for a My School Portal account.
Register for My School Portal (opens in a new window)
Applications can be submitted up to midnight on Wednesday 15 January 2025. You will not be able to use the My School Portal to make an application after 15 January 2025.
We recommend that you use the My School Portal to make your application if you can. You will receive confirmation of your school allocation by email on Wednesday 16 April 2025. It will also mean that you get a receipt from us to confirm that we have received your application. If you do not have internet access, you can use a computer at our customer contact centres or at any of the public libraries. If you do not have an email address, you can request an application form by contacting 01482 300 300.
Parents who still require a paper form risk the form being lost if it is posted and will not receive an email on the national offer day, which those who apply online will do.
These forms must be with the admissions team by the deadline dates and if necessary can be taken into the Wilson Centre and date stamped.
Making an application after 15 January 2025
If you are making an application after Wednesday 15 January 2025, complete a paper application form and submit that to the school Admissions team. We recommend that you give 3 school preferences.
You can request a paper application form by emailing lsadmissions@hullcc.gov.uk or you can download the Common Application Form directly.
Applications that are received after 15 January are still processes but not until after those that were received before the closing date.
Change of school preference or address
Once you have submitted your application online, you will not be able to amend it. However, if you need to change your school preferences or address please contact the school admissions team at lsadmissions@hullcc.gov.uk or on 01482 300 300 for advice.
All preference changes must be returned to the admissions teams before the deadline date if they are to be counted as an ‘on time preference request’. Even if the original application was on time.