Primary school applications

Deferred or delayed entry

Defer entry

You can request to defer entry until later in the academic year such as January or after Easter. Your child must be attending full time from the beginning of the term after their 5th birthday.

You must still make your application for a school place before the closing date of Monday 15 January 2024. This is even if you do not want your child to start school at the beginning of the autumn term.

Once you have received your offer letter, you should discuss deferring entry with your child’s allocated school.

Delay entry

If your child was born between 1 April 2020 and 31 August 2020, you can request that admission into full time education is delayed. It can be delayed until the following academic year - September 2024.

You will then need to decide whether you want your child to enter full time education in year one - your child’s age group, or Reception - education out of age group. You must still have made your application before Monday 15 January 2024.

Once you have made your application, contact the admissions team about your request to delay entry. We will advise you on what happens next.

Guidance from the Department for Education regarding Summer Born (Delayed) Applications is available on GOV.UK.